Welcome! In The Captains Table program you join other like-minded chiropractors who want to position their practice for huge growth in the ocean of opportunities that awaits beyond.
The Captains Table also includes access to The Harbor, The Bay and The Ocean programs, alongside additional exclusive coaching and resources only available to Captains Table members.
As any great seafarer will attest, the ocean offers many variables and unknowns. Your safety and success depends upon the seaworthiness of your vessel and your crew. Your vessel is your practice and your team is your crew. Your practice is unique and is going in a different direction to all of the others in the same ocean.
It is our job to be there to guide you through your voyage, to provide resources and of course to offer our extensive experience along the way.
The Quester Calls
» In The Coaching program we work together through “6 Week Legs”,
followed by 2 weeks of “Hammock Time”. Please book your coaching
calls as follows:
Join Mark Postles every Tuesday morning for an hour of Strategic Thinking. Bring your practice challenges for discussion and take the right actions for the next stage of growth.
Got operational issues that need solving? Join Greg Venning every Wednesday night to streamline your practice operations and get the right things in place for a humming practice.
» The Intensive
Every 8 weeks we host a live, interactive group intensive where we gather as a community, review our progress and plan our individual next best steps for the upcoming 6 Week Leg.
» Hammock Time
This is your opportunity to take a break after a “6-Week Leg” or to complete any outstanding tasks.
Use this time to evaluate your most recent Leg, refuel yourself and your crew and get ready for the next 6-Week Leg of your Chiropractic Voyage.